Get Involved with Family Science!
Family Science isn't just a book. It's a whole program for families. It's a way for adults and children to work side-by-side, learning and enjoying science.
- Parents, Grandparents
- Teachers, Administrators
- Corporations
- After-school organizations
- Buy a book!
- Host a Workshop!
- Organize a Family Science Event
- Sponsor a teacher for a Family Science
Train-the-Trainer workshop
- Donate to the Foundation for Family Science
& Engineering
Parents - Buy a book and have fun with your children at home
- Host a Family Science Event at your school. It's fun for kids and a great way to bring parents/grandparents into the school.
- Identify and sponsor a Family Science Event for local families (or employees and their children) to support science education, promote careers in science and
help parents support their children in having fun with science!
- Identify and sponsor a local teacher to attend the Family Science Train the Trainer Institute
(weeklong training event in Portland, OR held in the summers)
Organizations - Host a Family Science Event at your local facility to bring kids and parents together to have fun with science!
What is a Family Science Event?
A Family Science event could be a special evening of fun science activities for families, a series of classes where
families attend three or more workshops, or a Saturday neighborhood event. Chapter 8 in the Family Science book provides a chapter to help you organize an
event in your community (it even includes a planning guide and sample materials). Click here to find out more about the book.
 Where do Family Science Events take place?
Family Science events can be done anywhere: school cafeterias, communitycenters, scouting facilities,
church basements, at home or even outdoors.
Who attends a Family Science Event?
Family Science is intended to serve all family members - moms, dads, kids, grandparents,
aunts, uncles, cousins, whoever!
Hear what others are doing with Family Science...
We can also design a special Family Science offering to serve specific
goals or audiences - and can arrange to have these events organized and
hosted by professional Family Science staff.
Click here to learn more.