Introduction to Education Reform and the OBE Controversy
Outcome Based Education is an educational reform of the public school system
that receives much of its financial pressure and influence from the Federal
Government. By Constitutional law, the federal government is forbidden
any direct involvement in our schools. However, by carrot (financial
grants to implement OBE programs) and stick (threats to cut other federal
aid programs) manipulations, coupled with the insatiable need of schools
for added money, the 10th Amendment rights of States and citizens are being
violated in the name of "saving" our schools with this "Outcome Based"
educational reform. Formerly it was called Mastery Learning. Lately some
call it Transformational or Performance Based Education. Know it simply
as OBE.
Unfortunately, psychologists, sociologists, and real-world tests have
already proven the OBE system will fail, and several of its originators
have since repudiated it because of the harm it causes to children. Given
the concern with protecting our Constitution and our rights thereunder,
plus scaling back "Big Government" and stopping this "One Bad Experiment",
information about what OBE is and how and why it must be stopped is being
provided here in the interest of public knowledge. Please continue reading
among the following essays to learn more about the Pro and Con arguments
about OBE . . .
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